7 Easy Steps to an Alabama Private Investigator License

The Alabama private investigator license process is simple. The licensing board tries to keep the bad apples out. However, prior education and experience are not high on the list. Overall, this industry is very friendly to newcomers. Below are 7 easy steps to obtain an Alabama private investigator license.

1. You Must be at Least 21 Years Old

There are no waivers for this rule.

2. You Can Not Have a Criminal History

The details matter. You can not have a “conviction” for certain crimes. The law does not list any specific crimes. However, it indicates that the board decides which crime fits the bill. Applicants with felonies are automatically denied.

3. Mental Health is a Factor

If a court has declared you incompetent by mental defect or disease, then you can not obtain a license. However, if a court has declared you competent afterward, then this restriction does not apply.

4. Apply for  an Alabama Private Investigator License

The application packet is 12 pages long. However, you only have to complete 5 pages. The application covers personal information and employment history. It also includes items like your education and prior criminal history. Section #3 covers the license test.

After your application is processed, you will receive a notification. This will have information about test schedules.

Further, the application has a section about citizenship. This means that you have to identify if you are a citizen or not. In addition, you must provide a copy of a document to prove citizenship.

The application also has to include your photo. The photo cannot be larger than 2″ x 2″. It has to be colored and with a light colored background. The photo surface needs to be glossy. Also, the photo must be recent (within 6 months). “Lightly print your name and date of birth on the back of the photo. Use a crayon or felt-tipped pen…” I am serious, the use of crayons is endorsed by the board.

The application must include 3 sets of fingerprints, discussed below.

5. You Must Provide Your Fingerprints

In order to complete your application packet, you have to include 3 sets of your fingerprint. Obviously, the fingerprints are for checking your background.

You can get your fingerprints rolled at the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. Their address is 834 Adams Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36104. Alternatively, you can go to your local police or sheriff’s office. However, call them first. Not all agencies offer this service. In addition, you have to bring your completed application and a state or federal ID.

6. You Must Pass the Test

According to the Alabama Private investigator license board, the test can be taken in four cities. They are Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile. Interestingly, the test can also be taken throughout the nation.

Because the test is computerized, results are immediate. The test is pass or fail.

The board recommends that you prepare for the test by reading this book, which is sold at Amazon.

7. You Must Pay Various Fees

Fees are due at different points in time:

State and Federal Check: $37 – money order made to ALEA (included with application)

Fingerprinting: Charges vary per police or sheriff’s office

Testing Fee: $100 – submitted to PSI when scheduling the test

License Fee: $300 – once approved. The license is good for 2 years

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